ICA Bookstore Selection: Penny World

Penny World is an exhibition spanning the last 30 years of work by London artist and poet Penny Goring. This is the artist’s first solo exhibition in a public institution and includes a selection of art works from her expansive practice. Presented here are vividly coloured paintings and sculptures, self-portraits and drawings, and darkly humorous digital collages and videos. Relentlessly direct, the artist’s poetry is entangled throughout – appearing in titles and stitched onto her fabric sculptures.
Penny World Postcard Pack, (ICA, 2022)
Limited edition pack of 8 postcards, containing assorted works by Penny Goring:
I was a Visionary for Boudica, 2015
Pour, 2014
Dim Jaw, 1995
Cold Bed Storm Song, 2014
Emotive Title (super virulent hyperdeath virus targeted at you know whose), 2017
O, 2017
One Severed Head, 2018
Grief Doll, 2019
Fail Like Fire, Penny Goring (Arcadia Missa, 2022)
Fail Like Fire is a carefully selected collection of twenty poems, written over the past HOWEVER MANY years, from Penny Goring’s intensely personal poetry archive.
Hatefuck The Reader, Penny Goring (Arcadia Missa, 2022)
First published by 5everdankly in 2016.
“This book is about damage and violence, about the ramifications of channeling intensity at all costs. It is a text that is utterly compelling, that you tumble into and cannot escape from. I fucking loved it.”
—Dodie Bellamy